Salle Alec et Gérard Pelletier

La salle Alec et Gérard Pelletier, cette salle chaleureuse de formule cabaret est administrée par le Cœur du village, un organisme à but non-lucratif et présente chaque année plus de 150 événements et peut accueillir près de 150 spectateurs. 

Musique, cinéma, danse, théâtre, chanson, impro, activités et spectacles pour enfants et famille...
Nous sommes un lieu unique de création, d’animation et de diffusion des arts de la scène. 

Festival de jazz de Sutton, Festival Multimédia, Festival de Blues. Toute l'effervescence de la vie culturelle de Sutton, un carrefour Culturel de Brome Missisquoi.

Pour recevoir chaque semaine la programmation par courriel, inscrivez-vous à :

Much More Than a Performance Hall
Our mission is to provide the community of Sutton with a place to reach the artist in all of us. Not only do we stage shows, but we also show films and workshops for adults and young people in the theatre and performing arts as well as other areas of cultural endeavour. Since it was established four years ago, the Coeur du Village has witnessed the birth of an improv league, an amateur theatre group, a troupe of Gypsy dancers, and an annual summer camp for theatre and performing arts.

Our shows, films, and workshops are offered in the friendly atmosphere of our cabaret-style performance hall. What could be better than watching a great, hard-to-get film while enjoying a glass of wine or a beer in our Ciné-Cabaret!

What makes the Coeur du Village particularly extraordinary is that it operates thanks to the passionate participation of some forty generous volunteers.

Come discover us! There is a place here for you ...
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